(312)236-SALE (7253)


Privacy Policy

This Notice sets forth the privacy policies and practices of The Judicial Sales Corporation.® This Notice identifies the sources of nonpublic, personal information we collect regarding our customers, and specifies what measures we take to secure that information.

The words "you" and "your" mean all of our consumer customers who have a business relationship with us. "We," "our," and "us" mean The Judicial Sales Corporation.

"Nonpublic personal information" means information about you that we collect in connection with providing a financial product or service to you. Non-public personal information does not include information that is available from public sources, such as telephone directories or government records.

The Information We Collect

The Judicial Sales Corporation collects nonpublic, personal information about you from the following sources:

  • Information we receive from you on title insurance applications or other forms associated with your transaction with us;
  • Information from a consumer reporting agency;
  • Miscellaneous information about your transaction that becomes part of our file on your transaction with us; and
  • Information about your transactions with nonaffiliated third parties.

We do not disclose any nonpublic, personal information about you to anyone, except as authorized by law.

The Confidentiality, Security, and Integrity of Your Nonpublic Personal Information

We restrict access to nonpublic, personal information about you to only those employees who need to know that information in order to provide products or services to you. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to protect your nonpublic personal information from unauthorized use.

Nonpublic Personal Information and Nonaffiliated Third Parties

You have entrusted us with important personal information about you, and we will not disclose your nonpublic, personal information to nonaffiliated third parties, except as permitted by law.

Nonpublic Personal Information and Former Customers

We do not disclose nonpublic, personal information about former customers, except as permitted by law.